
IMAGE AND IDEA Exhibition Catalog


Image & Idea

Exhibition catalog featuring photography by 40 students

  • Timeline: April 2019 - May 2019

  • Role: Designer, Project Manager

  • Skills: Brainstorming, visual ideation, teamwork, e-mail communication

  • Tools: Photoshop, InDesign, Gmail


Catalog Design

A semester worth of work by 40 SJSU students are documented in this 52 page catalog illuminating their visual concepts, creative imagery, and thought-provoking artist statements for the 2019 Image and Idea photo exhibition. As one of the catalog designers, my responsibilities included brainstorming and collaborating on the layout, type, color, and order of the artworks. Maciel worked on the Indesign file, Mathena created the cover art, and I focused on establishing deadlines, gathering constructive feedback, and communicating updates, concerns, and photo/statement edits between the 2 professors, 40 photographers, and our catalog designers.